About |
Pigu.lt was launched in June 2007 by serial entrepreneurs focused on developing leading pure online retailer in the region. In 2009 company was already announced to be the Best e-shop in Lithuania. 2011 company entered Latvian market and acquired oldest e-shop in Latvia 220.lv. In the year 2012 received the prestigious “Business Gazelle” award by the largest regional business daily and business community acknowledging the Company’s growth and transparency. Year after company bought „Dlb Trading OÜ“ in Estonia and with Kaup24.ee became biggest online retailer on the Baltic state.
In the middle of 2015 PIGU group gained investments and sold 51% shares for MCI group. MCI is one of the most dynamic private equity groups in Emerging Europe. Currently, with the use of PE/VC funds, MCI implements early stage, growth stage and expansion/buy-out stage investments in Central and Eastern Europe Region, Germany and Austria (DACH).