About |
EIP Educational Services, LLC is a newly formed educational organization operating and conducting business in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and focuses on the protection of everyday citizens. The premise of our company is that knowledge is powerful. By arming the everyday citizen with information about protection and self defense, they are better equipped to handle any threat they may encounter, e.g. active shooters, home invasion, or car jacking.
We specialize in personal protection training and development. Our seminar "Protection & Situation Awareness in the Use of Force" educates the everyday citizen about the difference between protection, security, and self defense. Students discover how to profile a threat, validate it, and react accordingly. In all security threat situations the attacker always has the advantage of surprise. Because protection cannot be 100% guaranteed we provide students the opportunity to experience a life like deadly force encounter via video simulation. This state-of-the-art training has mostly been privy to law enforcement, the military, and government agencies. Now, the average everyday citizen can use this technology to discover how they will react emotionally and physically during a deadly force encounter. Participants get an opportunity to process their decisions with a professional who has experienced many deadly force encounters, and talk through how they felt, and what they need to do to have a better opportunity to survive a deadly force encounter. This seminar is especially important for anyone who owns a firearm for self defense or is considering buying a firearm for self defense. You can discover more by going to Protection-UseofForce.com
This jam packed seminar provides the tools and a development plan to avoid a deadly force encounter (Protection) and address how to react to a deadly force encounter if unavoidable (self defense). Seminar participants have described the seminar as, "A seminar everyone should take whether you think you need it or not." and "I would recommend this to my friends because it could save their life."
EIP Educational Services mission is to provide citizens the confidence needed to minimize or eliminate the fear of threat. We provide not only a seminar to establish the basic principals of protection and self defense, but also follow-up with each participant to ensure the transference of knowledge gained in the seminar.