
We are a volunteer group of local business people, property owners, musicians, artists, civil servants and neighbors from in and around Eastlake who believe the old vanguards of culture like Clear Channel and MTV are no longer relevant for us or our children.

Just as Youtube has helped to democratize the Billboard Music Charts, we seek to democratize musical and cultural programming in the live performance spaces in and around Eastlake. We believe technology enables us to broaden our tastes rather than confine them. In that vein, our festival will always strive to offer a real cross section of the diverse music and performance arts flourishing in and around Eastlake.

Further, the festival will leverage emerging sound recording and production technology to capture and distribute our festival performances to the greater wide web. This will be the Oakland sound, on its hard concrete streets, softened by its lush redwood valleys, and carried by the waters of Lake Merritt to the rest of the world.