
Total EMR transcription services. This newer service will assist small, medium and large-sized medical entities by offering them the ability to convert dictated notes into digital format—resulting in cutting down their time on computer data entries by allowing physicians and providers to continue using conventional dictation options. The company will offer proven and cutting-edge software solutions that will streamline the EMR documentation process, but without compromising the confidentiality of patients’ records.
According to the Mr. President of Zodiac, Ashish Mehta, the aim of this newer service will be to make physicians’ jobs that much easier.
“Our goal is to provide a hassle-free and easy-to-use solution to physicians across the country,” states Mehta. “Our solution will increase the acceptance level of the EMR platform within the medical community, and will provide the ability to physicians to be able to better focus their talents on providing improved patient care—while our team will handle the integration, document management and compliance jobs for them.
1768 East 25th Street, Cleveland, OH 44114-4420
Mobile 800-442-3404 / 440-590-0360
Fax: 866-336-5917 / zsales1@zodiacinfo.net