
Earth Space Tech continues to deliver a range of unique international projects in France, the United States, Canada and Australia. Whether delivering a keynote presentation, consultancy services or training and workshop services, we aim to achieve excellent outcomes for our clients.  Our professional industry network spans the globe and delivers these projects as outlined below;


Ms Ellis,Founder and Director of International Earth & Space Technology delivers keynote presentations on space, science, technology and law for a variety of audiences around the world.  With a unique personality, Kim speaks passionately in the global community about the benefits and risks that expansion of the commercial space industry can bring to our world.
Selected as the keynote speaker for International Womens Day in 2016 for Rotary and recently delivered a presentation  for the NSW Department of Industry Geological Society  and Geological Survey of NSW titled " The Space Age - Minerals, Wealth and Robots".   Outrageously Australian, funny and able to laugh at herself, Kim is just as comfortable removing her academic hat and delivering technology, science, space and law to everyone in plain English with a twist of naughty, daring you to stand up and be your own Hero.


An experienced mining and metals manufacturing research scientist and published legal academic, Ms Ellis delivers consultancy services for scientific and technical research organisations in the public and private sectors.  Ms Ellis is a NASA Postdoctoral Program Reviewer for the USRA the Universities Space Research Association and conducts research on space security and liability.


Workshops are tailored to meet clients learning outcome goals and delivered in English for culturally diverse multinational teams and groups.

Faculty member for the International Space University and the Global Space Institute.