
The majority of patients see Dr. Luo for problems such as pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, lower back, and leg. caused by cervical and lumbar issues or chronic strain. Dr. Luo also specializes in diseases of the digestive system,diseases of the immune system, asthma, allergies, depression, stress, anxiety, headache, woman's issues, arthritis, cancer, smoking cessation, and weight loss. Dr. Luo believes that the vast experiences he has gained over the last 30 years, not only from clinical practice, but also from acupuncture research and teaching allows him to treat his patients with the utmost professionalism.

Coming to the United States, Dr. Luo joined the staff of Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta where he did four years acupuncture research with publications. He has been featured on the radio, written magazine articles and Chinese medical journals. He is author of two books: "Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis" and "Basic Tradition Chinese Medicine through Diagrams".

For Dr. Luo's practice, he applies the holistic approach even to isolated or partial issues of the body. From years of practice, he has developed an application of the complex manipulation that combines other treatment techniques listed below that produced significant results in the field of pain relief. Please visit dr. Luo's website at www.Georgia-Acupuncture.com