
EcoTreat International provides regulatory compliance services to producers of field and container grown nursery stock who desire to export their products to countries that do not allow native soil importation. Via EcoTreat’s patented technology, domestic producers are able to market their products to countries that do not allow the importation of native soils. Via the EcoTreat method, all of the native soil from the root system(s) of mature nursery stock is removed and the bare root systems are sanitized and then treated with biostimulants. After sanitation a new, phytosanitary root system encasement is created which acts to encapsulate the entire root system all the way down to the tiniest roots. This encasement is created under hydraulic pressure using a sanitary biodegradable fiber that has been pre-processed to be virtually sterile.
The result is an essentially air free root ball encasement that is soil free, durable and phytosanitary. The encasements protect the root system during shipping & handling and promote root regeneration. The encasements are possessive of sufficient counter weight & mass to allow for ease of handling and re-installation in the destination country. EcoTreat has been extensively tested in multi-year trials on many different varieties of trees & palms and has been proven to be very reliable.
Along with the EcoTreat root system sanitation and encasement service, EcoTreat also provides a suite of regulatory compliance services dedicated to the identification of and compliance with a broad range of regulatory issues affecting plant import/export.
EcoTreat operates a pilot treatment facility in Boynton Beach Florida USA where we process mature, out bound nursery stock for Florida producers

In addition to regulatory compliance services offered to producers & shippers, (as set forth above) the company also provides plant brokering and landscape/hardscape exports and order consolidation. We handle a broad range of trees, palms and plants either prepared soil free or conventionally shipped as well as a full line of hardscape products and landscape related equipment.

The company offers 30-45-60 day credit terms to qualified domestic and international customers.