
As a Software Development Company, We offer Software Development and Consulting Services.

Our credentials in the Commercial and Retail Market includes:
1. Development of a 'Client Receipt and Bookkeeping' Software .
2. Development of 'Point of Sale' Software.
3. Development of a 'Automated Time Clock and Payroll' generating Software.

Our credentials in the Medical Community, includes:
1. Developing a HIPAA compliant Electronic Billing System for Professional,Dental,and Institutional claims(in use).
2. Developing a Medical Claims Clearinghouse Software Application (in use).
3. Developing a ePrescription Application(Certified by Surescripts Pharmacy Network).
4. Developing a Prescription Aggregator Application(Certified by Surescripts Pharmacy Network).
5. Developing a Secure Web Portal for Healthcare information exchange (in use).

We are a Vendor of a 'Certified Complete Electronic Medical Record' Software Application.

The Physicians - Practitioners Office Assistant Ver 3.0