
Elevate the Future (ETF) is a completely high-school student-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on increasing access to education across the globe. The organization has over 375 individuals on its leadership team across 43 chapters in 18 states and 16 countries and has a mission to increase access to education in computer science and business.

ETF has 2 main initiatives: chapter events and project falcon.

Since launching, ETF has taught over 4000 students across the world business and computer science. They’ve taken this essential 21st century education to places where it usually never reaches, such as countries like Ghana and Ukraine along with groups like foster students. ETF has held over 100 events over the past year.

Through ETF's Project Falcon initiative they’re teaching young students HTML, CSS, and web design and having them apply their learnings to help create websites and online stores to keep struggling small businesses across the country afloat. Elevate the Future’s instructors guide the students through the creation of the website, teaching students web design while also helping small businesses. The businesses ETF has helped have each seen significant increases in revenue as a result of their new website and online store. To date, they’ve helped over 20 small businesses through this program.

ETF was founded by Arjun Gupta and Rayan Garg, two high school students. From just an idea to teach students, ETF has transformed into a global organization, deeply impacting thousands of students and assisting struggling small businesses.

If interested in getting in touch with ETF, please visit their website at elevatethefuture.org or email them at contact@elevatethefuture.org.