
A network of real estate brokers that offer home buyers some of their commision.  These days home buyers are more educated and knowlegable about their desired home purchase and need less help.  The network is there to help the whole time, but offers rewards to home buyers.  The buyer receives more rewards by knowing more of what they want upfront.  If the agent shows the home buyer 12 homes or less the home buyer can expect to recieve 50% pf the commission.  if the buyer needs to see more than 12 homes, the commisison rebate starts decreasing but never falls to below 20%.

This is a win for the agent by getting clients they wouldn't have otherwise reached, and good for the buyer who is being rewarded so knowing more.

Rebates are leagl in all states but the following 10: AK, AL, IA, KS, LA, MO, MS, OK, OR, and TN.

For more information visit www.EmpoweredBuyer.com.

Home Buyer Rebate