
EFI have over 20 years experience in the building trade and over 10 years in the home energy saving industry. Currently, we carry out over 40 installations a week using ICYNENE spray foam insulation and are one of only a handful of select, accredited installers to use this product.

We are a friendly team with a wealth of experience and knowledge and strive to improve the energy efficiency of your home and work environments and, in turn, reduce your energy bills. We invest in the best equipment and products and pride ourselves in delivering the best possible service to our customers.

Along with premium quality insulation and excellent customer service, EFI are proud to be using ICYNENE due to its environmentally friendly credentials. ICYNENE is a revolutionary product, which uses a water-based application. This makes it extremely eco-friendly, and however small the step may seem to be, it is a great step in the right direction toward creating a greener planet.

The benefits to your work environment, home and family are multiple. ICYNENE will, as previously mentioned, help reduce your energy bills. It achieves this in making all rooms an even temperature by eliminating drafts and cold spots. It results in a cooler home in summer and (more importantly to most) a warmer one in the winter. By radically reducing air exchange (the air that gets into your home, creating drafts) the EPC efficiency of your home will increase and could result in a reduction in your total energy bill by 50%! However, this is not the only benefit to using ICYNENE – the reduction in air exchange results in the number of pollutants getting into your home to drastically drop. Perfect if you live in a built up or high traffic area and have family members suffering with asthma.