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Dr. Doug Krotzer (Harvard Graduate not medically related) tutored by expert brain research scientists in the 1990s learned thousands of scientists had proven parts of what is now **END** ― how to cure alcoholism permanently. Swamp laws had stopped their research. The cure promised to be an alcoholics dream ― Enjoyable, Inexpensive, Quick, Safe ― And Permanent !
He started seeking volunteers for **END** on the internet in 2005. Beyond his wildest dreams, many were cured in from 10 days to three weeks, all by five months. Even better, results showed alcoholics could become social drinkers ― the dream of all alcoholics. They could "Enjoy a Few Drinks Without Needing More"
Government soon attacked him at the request of a chain of alcoholism clinics. At first they agreed he was doing good work. Two years later, new government lawyers attacked him, without asking any questions. Krotzer repeatedly asked them to review his results ― they were so overwhelmingly good. Eventually government looked at all ~14,000 emails and crossed off the flood of cure announcements from nearly all volunteers.
Buoyed by that flood of testimonials, he fought the swamp in court for eight years, only to find they were more interested in reducing their workload than dispensing justice (their words, not ours). At age 75, Krotzer is still fighting for the rights of alcoholics to be cured ― Enjoyably, Inexpensively, Quickly, Safely ― And Permanently!