
Environmental Chemical Solutions was founded in 1995.  Since that time, we have grown from a startup company with a good idea and an exceptional product line to an internationally recognized leader in hydrocarbon spill cleanup.  Environmental Chemical Solutions markets to a worldwide community with products that address a wide variety of environmental hazards and challenges.

ECS doesn’t just sell chemicals.  We are a small business quietly working to help address the numerous hazards associated with oil in its exploration, production and transportation.  We work to develop specific programs that tackle the serious health, safety and environmental issues facing industry in a cost effective, environmentally correct manner. These efforts are focused to meet the incorporated requirements of local, state and federal regulations.

Environmental Chemical Solutions works with a wide range of environmental consulting firms, contractors, engineering firms, emergency responders and major oil companies in both the upstream and downstream markets worldwide.

Gold Crew, our premier water based oil spill dispersant product was first introduced in 1967.  It was formulated to serve a request by the U.S. Naval Station, San Diego, seeking a new method of controlling oil spills caused by naval vessels in San Diego Bay.  This need was very important since the bay was land-locked and there was increasing concern regarding the environmental impact of spilled petroleum products.

After two years of formulation work by Gold Crew creator Dr. William McNeely, the superior water based dispersant was ready for use.  It dispersed a full range of petroleum products ranging from diesel oil to jet fuels.

From 1967 through 1970, Gold Crew was used on all oil spills in San Diego Bay.  This resulted in the discontinuation of the “old” Navy solvent based dispersants which not only constituted a fire hazard around the shipping and fuel loading areas, but were detrimental to the environment and to the sensitive fish and mammals occupying the bay ecosystem.

Two major spills caused by naval operations occurred during this time.  From their Point Loma facility, 50,000 gallons of JP5 was accidentally released near the exclusive Shelter Island marinas.  Hundreds of expensive luxury yachts were berthed in the area.  The Kona Kai Hotel and the Port of San Diego Harbor Patrol headquarters sat adjacent to the contaminated water.  This posed both an environmental disaster and an extreme fire hazard.  Through 24 hour emergency operations and contingency planning, the spill was contained and dispersed within 48 hours.  There was no reported marine animal loss or destruction of property.

Gold Crew was selected as the product of choice to clean up the Santa Barbara Oil Spill in February of 1969.  This was one month after the drilling blow out occurred (at approximately 3,500 feet) and the oil slick began washing ashore.  Strangely similar to what has recently happened in the Gulf, the oil leaked for over a year. It was during this operation that Gold Crew was first introduced to the petroleum industry.  The Gold Crew was monitored closely by the Federal Water Quality Control Board and the U.S. Coast Guard.  After three days of spraying Gold Crew dispersant, all other dispersant products were discharged from the scene.  Once Gold Crew was in use, there were no more reports of oil on beaches or dead fish and mammals - none.  The use of Gold Crew completed the cleanup operation to the satisfaction of all involved.

Gold Crew has been instrumental in the containment and dispersion of major pipeline breaks and oil platform blowouts.  In 1980, Gold Crew was used in the cleanup of the 200,000 barrel Funiwa Platform blowout in Nigeria.  It was used in the rupturing of a super tanker split during a typhoon in the Straights of Malicca in 1983.  It was estimated that 100,000 plus gallons of oil were released in the accident.  In 1988 Gold Crew prevented a serious impact on a major tourist destination along the South Java Sea threatened by a 3,000 barrel crude oil spill from a pipeline break.  Later that year, Gold Crew responded to a 6,000 barrel crude oil spill from an ARCO pipeline in the northwest area of the Java Sea.

As the sole manufacturer of Gold Crew products, Environmental Chemical Solutions' mission is to play an integral role in mitigating the dangerous and harmful impacts associated with many forms of hydrocarbon related exposures and to actively support and encourage a safe response in the maintenance of a healthy environment.