
EximInfinities Private Limited is an Indian Import Export company registered and incorporated under the act of Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India on May, 2016. Currently our head quarter located in Delhi. From the date of incorporation EximInfinities has shown significant growth and able to secure long list of clientele and we have been praised by our clients for our efforts. We have already received Importer Exporter Licence from Director General of Foreign Trade for Importing and Exporting goods.

We work as Export management company (EMC) where we take care of every responsibilities of any domestic goods producer or farmer who wants to sell his/her products overseas. Where the producer's only responsibility is to produce the product and hand it over to us and we take care of the rest including Promotion and Advertising in foreign markets, finding sales agent, finding appropriate and reliable buyer, getting origin/Kimberly Process certificate, Packaging, Branding, Transport, getting customs clearance, loading goods in ship/flight and export the product to the importer, and finally receiving and providing payments to the producer for the goods. Where a producers do not have to think or worry about anything else except producing the quality good which he has specialization on.

The company also acts as Export trading company (ETC) where, foreign producers or farmers contact the company to help them to sell their goods in domestic or different international markets. Where we take entire responsibilities for promotion or advertising, finding appropriate and reliable buyer, importing the produced good from the producer, clearing customs formalities, Branding, logistics and supplying the imported goods to the buyer, receiving payment from the seller and proving payments to the producer for produced goods.