
We have a small staff based in the United States, but the larger team is made up of writers, artists, storytellers, filmmakers, theologians, entrepreneurs, pastors, business leaders, partners, and volunteers from around the world. Explore God would not be possible without the tireless work of many, many dedicated people.

We are Christians, not know-it-alls. We're a diverse group from different denominations who don't see eye-to-eye on everything, but we love asking tough questions and seeking out credible information together.

This website is an earnest and humble expression of our collective quest to know God more deeply and experience God more fully. You can view our Statement of Faith for detailed information on what we believe.

Our mission is to help you explore, experience, and engage with God’s plan for your life. We want to take on tough spiritual questions that deserve deep, intelligent, and nuanced thought—questions about God, purpose, suffering, Jesus, the Bible, religion, and more. And we want to help you discover answers by providing credible, compelling content.

What you choose to do with that information is entirely up to you. As it should be. If our work here can facilitate a good spiritual conversation and give you something valuable to think about in your own life, then we've done what we've set out to do.