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Kia Ora! and thank you for the Press Release on International Day of the World Indigenous People.
With absolute excitement I write to wish every success as to the developing events, negotiations and promotions unfolding as we Celebrate a landmark day in the history of mankind and the promotion of Peace,Unity and Goodwill amongst Peoples of the world.
There has been numerous sacrifices, catestrophic and unfair sufferings of The World Indigenous Peoples in surviving the humiliation of the colonization of their lands and the commercialization of everything that was sacred and blessed to their families, I send a salute and prayer to all those persons whom have made this day possible where the voices of the Forests, Mountains, Rivers and Oceans are heard above those of Industries, Science and Technology.
We have the opportunity to build on the foundation of this day and send a clear message of hope to the dire situations of famine, sickness, disease, violence, war, terror and injustice, it can only be one message and that message can only be of one word "UNITY" cause there can only be STRENGTH IN UNITY. It is a message that World Leaders, Business Tables, Industrial Developers, Media/ Marketing Giants, Communities, Faiths, Religions and Regimes must understand about the World Indigenous Peoples, we have one powerful voice in UNITY.
I wish extend an invitation to groups an individuals to assess the value of the following information to there interest, I feel it has potential to sustain alot of reasons for Unity of Indigenous Peoples and nations as a whole whom right now in this day and age need to work together in turning a new page without re-inventing the wheel.
The FXU (FREE EXPRESSION OF UNITY) GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT BROADCAST NETWORK is a 1 off television broadcasting proposal and initiative.
It sets out to establish the international network production of a WELFARE BASED television broadcasting initiative to advance, stimulate and reinforce International Health, Welfare and those issue's of Global Debate ie. Conservation and Wild life Preservation.
The Vision focuses on new and advanced activities in the technical production, coverage and presentation of
It encompasses and has potential for the UNITED NATIONS MDG's, END POVERTY 2015 Campaign, COP 15 as well as the numerous causes/efforts/charities associated with MYNETCAUSE.ORG and the WORLDBANK.ORG.
Im a self appointed campaign organiser wishing to communicate, network, research, assess and or promote any commitment of goods and or services to the pursuit of these initiatives.
I am building potential web pages these may be viewed upon the terms and conditions of a 28 day non disclosure.
(my basket and yours)
Naku Noa!
In 1998 I applied and obtained name approval from the companies registrar for THE UNIVERSAL STANDARD TIMES MILLENNIUM BROADCAST NETWORK. I visioned a broadcaster who by the millennium celebrations would be going to air with a new and exclusive presentation and coverage of NEWS, CURRENT AFFAIRS, HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS, FORMAL TALKS, SPECIAL/MEMORIAL EVENTS, BENEFIT CONCERTS, MUSICAL PRODUCTIONS, PEACE KEEPING, EMERGENCY SERVICES, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH and WELFARE based issue's.
To this day the only comparison of a current broadcaster resembling and practicing a small amount of the standards of broadcasting proposed in mind for the GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT BROADCAST NETWORK would be SKY TELEVISION, CNN, FOX, CBS, ALJAZEERA and other cable television networks.. I believe the business at hand has the potential of leading the Broadcasting Industry with many ground breaking initiatives of operations, programming, services, broadcasting, management, marketing and technical development.
The future of Broadcasting must have a purpose and direction more purpose and direction than to just televise world news or observe world events, more purpose an direction than to promote the commercialization of locations, tourism, performing artists, movie and film industries, education, science, businesses, products and or services but a purpose and direction that would facilitate global change in developing new an urgent Mediation, Dialogue and Action Strategies in reference to critical conditions facing communities suffering Humanitarian Crises etc!.