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Publisher: Families in Society (Print ISSN 1044-3894; Electronic ISSN 1945-1350) is published quarterly by the Alliance for Children and Families. (Each volume spans January–December.)
Statement of Purpose: Families in Society (FIS), focuses on the art, science, and practice of social work and provides a trusted forum to explore and share ideas and concepts in social services. As a double-blind, peer-reviewed publication in social work scholarship, FIS reflects the broad array of issues, conditions, and problems that apply to individuals, families, communities, and society. Readers are informed of significant trends and techniques through articles on research and theory, direct-practice issues, and the delivery and management of services.
History: Now in its 92nd year, FIS is the oldest and one of the most respected journals in North America on social work and related human services. Founded by social casework pioneer Mary Richmond in 1920, the journal has had four titles: The Family (1920–1946), The Journal of Social Casework (1947–1949), Social Casework (1950–1989), and Families in Society (1990 to present).
Readership: Approximately 20,000-plus based on a pass-a-long average of at least seven readers per issue. More than 75% of the circulation comes from institutions, including service agencies and educational libraries. Almost 20% of the paid subscriptions are from international sources with readers in all corners of the globe. The journal has wide-ranging content and appeals to practitioners, educators, and allied professionals.
Abstracts and articles from 1980 to present are available at www.FamiliesInSociety.org. FIS is abstracted and indexed in: Alcohol and Alcohol Science Problems Database (ETOH), Book Review Index, Chicago Psychoanalytic Literature Index, Current Contents, Expanded Academic Index, Hospital Literature Index, Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature, Psychological Abstracts, PsychINFO, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Sage Family Studies Abstracts, Social Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Index, Social Work Abstracts, and CSA/Sociological Abstracts. In Europe: Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), Studies on Women Abstracts, and Social Care Online.
***********Social Work in the 21st Century***********
In the coming issues and volumes, Families in Society will continue to focus on significant developments in social work, including:
Family Demographics and Dynamics. The significant diversity of families and family structure, along with insight into what constitutes kin and community, will require social workers to re-conceptualize family treatment plans.
Advocacy, Social Justice, and Community Work. A growing emphasis on social work’s therapeutic value should not override the field’s origins in working with, and on behalf of, vulnerable populations.
Research and Advancements in Biology and Genetics. Social workers must be cognizant of the multidimensional role “nature” plays and be familiar with new knowledge and the scientific/medical interventions that will become routine in traditional assessment and service plans.
Alternative and Complimentary Methods/Interventions. Numerous influences on practice may become routine: spirituality, yoga, meditation, energy medicine, holistic healing, and similar activities, along with findings from the sciences and a greater focus on ecological practice.
Globalization; Economic and Environmental Sustainability. Significant changes are taking place due to a rapidly interconnected and interdependent world. Increasingly, environmental and economic priorities must be paired at a personal level with individual and community welfare and well-being.
Immigration and Transnationalism. With sizable migrations of families from one culture to a new one, private lives, daily needs, and legal and financial issues all have implications across borders.
Technology and Service Delivery. Technology and the Internet can contribute to more responsive consumer care, but should be conditional to prevailing ethical and legal issues such as client rights, privacy, confidentiality, and accountability.
Social Work’s Identity Crisis and De-professionalization. As a profession, social work will face more challenges to its perceived efficacy and relevance; our vision of what the art of practice and practice wisdom mean must be clarified and employed for effective and humane practice.