About |
Established in 2014.
FidoFoods.com was launched as an idea to supply New Yorker's with pet food and supplies in a way that's quick and easy to order! Let's face it, who wants to hail a cab or trek across town after calling numerous pet stores to find your pet's food?
No more waiting on hold to find out that your local store is out of stock or doesn't carry your brand or size! We set out to solve that very problem. We built a website and delivery system for easy, online ordering that can be done with the click of a mouse or a tap of your cellphone! If you run out of food tonight, we can have it on your doorstep in the morning or when you get home from work! We carry organic holistic pet food and treats as well as toys and supplies.
Not only will you find your favorite national brands, but also some of the finest organic natural pet foods and treats made right here in the Big Apple!