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Founder Tabitha Jayne is a Grief and Transformation Coach and writer who has more than 8 years personal and professional experience in the field of grief and bereavement. The death of her brother was the most profound experience and loss in her life.  Through his death her brother gave her the proverbial wake-up call and challenged her to transform her life into something that she was satisfied with.

She says "It's harsh to say it but my brother dying was one of the best things that ever happened to me in my life.  He motivated me to make myself a better person and to allow me to be who I truly am.  He helped me find my true purpose and Nature created the transformation."

In 2003 Tabitha co-founded "Pedro Project" a Scottish charity aimed at helping young adults affected by bereavement.  The project ran for 6 years and offered an informative website, email support, 1-2-1 support sessions and an alternative therapies drop-in.

Tabitha was a finalist in "Everywoman 2004" Awards, which recognise inspiring woman in business as well as Cosmopolitan´s "Fun, Fearless Females 2006" Awards.