
Migratory fish need the complete/large section of a river system to fulfil their lifecycles and are a key link within the river ecosystems around the world. Increased impacts from instream barriers, dams, pollution and other habitat changes, have massive effects on the survival of these migratory fish, which result in impacts on the ecosystems and can have devastating effects on humans who are dependent on these fish as a food source.
The importance of these migratory fish, however, does not receive the attention that it requires. As such World Fish Migration Foundation was initiated as a non-profit organisation.

Our mission and vision is to contribute towards protecting and conserving migratory fish. Through projects that facilitate rehabilitation, ecosystem protection and communication on fish migration, we strive and ultimately look forward to:
- Healthy migratory fish populations swimming in full abundance
- More free-flowing rivers
- Communities, specialists, industry and governement all working together to create a sustainable and happy environment for humans and fish alike