
We work with water and wastewater treatment plants in order to move them away from error prone paper based processes and into a more efficient and legally defensible digital format.

FlexOps, our flagship product, is a mobile workforce automation package designed for plant operations inspections. FlexOps addresses the blind spots of SCADA by standardizing manual procedures with touch screen guided PDA based inspections, eradicating transcription errors and secondary data capturing, validating data at the point of entry and providing an unparalleled level of customization throughout the system.

FlexOps provides an easy electronic method of performing these critical manual inspections, which SCADA cannot cost effectively, perform. Added benefits include ensuring all inspections are correctly carried out, the data inputs are validated and consequently imported into the plant’s operations system or spreadsheet saving labor costs of data reentry. This provides plants with more legally defensible records for Discharge Monitoring Reports, state and EPA compliance.

This paperless system allows for all reports to be automatically integrated into operations, compliance, historian, maintenance and LIMS software systems.  Supervisors receive secure, validated data through automated reports that include daily activity, work order requests, fire safety and exception reports delivered to them by email. With FlexOps automation labor is measurably reduced and productivity is increased and tracked within the system for review.