
Deliver OnTime and InFull with FluentERP
FluentERP is a Work Order Centric software that facilitates a MTO environment for OnTime delivery of manufactured parts. From Sales Order to Work Orders to Customer Dispatches and invoicing, this platform provides a very efficient and productive way to manage your business processes.
Efficiently Manage Sales Order

FluentERP provides an efficient and productive way to manage Sales Orders by providing a synopsis of all Sales Orders, related Work Orders and Dispatches along with dollar amounts.
Increase Manufacturing Productivity

Inclusion of checks-and-balances with master data during Work Order creation reduces rejects during part manufacturing.
Easily Manage Suppliers

FluentERP provides a Supplier Portal for Suppliers to see their yearly projections and plan accordingly. Changes in quantities are notified early on.
Early Planning

Milestone based planning provides look-ahead of road-blocks and issues.
Enhanced Production

FluentERP has Advance Planning and Scheduling module that helps in machine capacity planning as per the customer's requirements and available machine capacity.
Optimized Inventory

Just-in-Time Inventory is provided via the Supplier Portal resulting in less cost for Inventory storage.