
FlyingStartOnline (http://www.flyingstartonline.com) is dedicated to getting student and graduate businesses started through online support and live events throughout the UK. Whether it's just an idea, an international hi-tech venture, a social enterprise or a small consultancy, FlyingStart is geared up to support graduates, up to five years out of university, realise their ambitions and support new businesses. FlyingStart is the part of NCGE activity that makes it happen; supporting and developing graduate startups from ideas to implementation. FlyingStartOnline, FlyingStart Programmes, FlyingStart Rallies, and FlyingStart Global Entrepreneurs are the four aspects of this. Over 12,900 members are now registered with FlyingStartOnline.com since its re-launch during Global Entrepreneurship Week in November 2008. Since 2005, over 6,000 students or graduates within five years of completing their studies have attended one-day FlyingStart Rallies; 14 FlyingStart Programmes have supported over 600 undergraduates or graduates selected to turn their idea into a trading business within 12 months; 39 of the most talented entrepreneurial graduates from science, technology, engineering or maths disciplines have spent or are spending six months with the Kauffman Foundation in the USA and on placement there as FlyingStart Global Entrepreneurs developing scalable, high intensity, high impact businesses.