
Fox Contractors is a licensed and insured General Contracting company that specializes in interior remodeling and is a One Stop Shop when it comes to remodeling. No need for other contractors to complete your project for Fox Contractors has electricians, plumbers, carpenters, cabinet installers, 3D Computer Room Planners, appliance installers, hardwood flooring techs, tile setters, painters, and so much more to complete your renovation. Fox Contractors offers Total Project Management at no additional cost to the homeowner. Why use multiple contractors when you can have Fox Contractors supervise and complete the project without the need of other contractors? Fox Contractors offers In Home 3D Computer Room Planning so that the homeowner call see what the finished project will look like upon completion. It really gives the homeowner a clear vision of the remodeling project. Fox Contractors is licensed and insured to protect your investment. Fox Contractors offers FREE estimates and we will send our General Contractor to your home to estimate your project and counsel you on all aspects of the remodel. Call 720-412-0203 to schedule your appointment or book your appointment online at fxcontractors.com anytime. Our skilled technicians show up on time and with a smile! Call Fox Contractors today and you will glad you did. Plenty of local references. We look forward to meeting you!