About |
We want to stack the odds in your favor.
We believe the way people search for jobs doesn’t work. It is time-consuming and repetitive. Even if you have a job but want something different it is hard to be efficient. You’re online for hours surfing job boards and filling out application forms. You put other things on hold. And the whole system of selection seems so random. Large companies have companies helping them. We want to improve the process for you. We believe everyone should get the job they want.
All you have to do is sit back, network, study, interview and, most importantly, map out your plan for success.
Here’s how we plan to do it. We will:
• take down your search requirements
• search the web for jobs that meet your criteria and listen to your feedback
• recommend people in your network who can help you with the identified opportunities
• fill out the applications for the jobs you like so no more wasted time entering the same information
• refine and repeat for as long as you want
We are not recruiters. We see ourselves as your personal back office. We take away the hassle of your job search so you wake up every morning ready to conquer the world.
Our job is to give you your life back.