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Frocked Out LLC
Founded by Sydney Cohan
Public Relations & Stylish Networking
Jan 2009 to present Located in the Greater New York TRI-State Area
Frocked Out a Stylish Network of individuals within the fashion and entertainment industry. The fashion industry offers many outlets for individuals who are in the industry and those who are not. The industries ever changing “RUNWAY” is the perfect platform for networking and utilizing the creative branding and marketing talents that is offered to clients. The most important thing is the success of the client. Clients are screened and interviewed this is done to ensure they are ready for change. It is vital for the client to be willing to make changes and sacrifices in order to reach goals and become successful. Offering customized group and individual training clients receive personal and professional tools that will help each individual find themselves closer to becoming their dream.
For Interview request
Sydney Cohan
References released upon request after the first interview process.
“Become your Dream”-De La Vega