
Fund Dreamer is a global crowdfunding platform focused on Social Good. Our mission is to help everyone live their dream. Our platform is open to everyone, and we give extra promotion to women/diversity led projects since they have a harder time getting funding.

We are a community of people committed to empowering one another. Our goal is to create more women/diversity led VCs who can uplift others to live their dream. 10% of our net proceeds go towards women and diversity led projects.

We promote all of our projects through press/social media. We charge the donors 4.9% and let Campaign Creators keep everything they raise. That’s makes a big difference for large campaigns, where one can save over 90k on cash out fees compared to other platforms. We offer flexible timelines, one can cash out early or extend their campaign. Other crowdfunding platforms only accept 5 currencies. We are global and accept 139 currencies + Bitcoin.