
GETSOMEPLAYER INC. is developing GetSomePlayerNetwork (GSPN) an app that lets anyone meet & play or teach & learn music, games and sports with other athletes, gamers and rock stars. GETSOMEPLAYER™ is a brand with a marketing and PR service, an online radio station, GetSomePlayerNetwork (G.S.P.N.), a durable streetwear and gear line,  "NrG" sports beverage, and the GetSomePlayerBar live music/gamer/sports bar franchise are Patrick Burkhart’s endeavors scheduled to be phased into production with the official launch of GetSomePlayerNetwork (G.S.P.N.) and the incorporation of GETSOMEPLAYER INC. on February 19th 2016.
For more information about GETSOMEPLAYER INC.: info@getsomeplayer.com