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Get Your Justice Live is a live interactive talk show that discusses the judiciary and government gone wrong. Focusing on reforming the judiciary, with emphasis on the anti-family courts within the United States. On Wednesday and Sunday Nights you can access the live show via telephone, chat, or streaming on your desktop. If you miss our live shows they are archived and available free of charge through our official show website or via itunes!
We have a nationwide audience and network of distribution unsurpassed by any other show of its’ kind. Audience participation is interactive and demographics range from early 20’s through to all the grandparents whose families have been affected by the family court system.
GET YOUR JUSTICE LIVE Talk Show Schedules!
Every Wednesday and Sunday Night
Live Call In Telephone: 724-444-7444 Talkcast Id: 39517 Press “1 + #” if you don’t have a pin.
Please note that we also have the following distribution sites for audio, video, and news stories.
NEWS SITE: http://www.getyourjusticelivenews.com
RADIO SITE: http://www.getyourjusticeliveradio.com
VIDEO SITE: http://www.getyourjusticelivevideo.com
Contact Get Your Justice Live for advertising opportunities to a national and diverse audience that are affected by legal issues and more.
(517) 325-3789