About |
Gallery M Squared is a fine art gallery located in the Historic Houston Heights. We invite each of you visiting 19th Street to explore the many aspects of art found within our community. All around us every day we see examples of what artists do and how their work enhances our lives. Some of us see art as only decorative, or something to color coordinate with our sofas. Others see art as conversations or storytelling.
Yes, it is true that art is decorative but keep in mind, not all decoration is art.
We believe art reveals our inner beings, our souls. All forms of art stimulate our thoughts through our senses. Dance, music, film, the written or spoken word etc., engage multiple senses, emotions, and concepts.
These experiences can involve thousands of individuals simultaneously or a single being. Art, on every level helps us to see and understand the world around us. Art bridges cultural boundries, and builds stronger communities.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul then the original art we display is an outward expression of who we are.
This is, "The Power of Art."