About |
Illinois BrokerNET provides a cost effective method to market listings and provide data to commercial real estate professionals in Illinois. We don’t own any property, try to control listings, or market one property over another. We want to see Illinois grow and succeed, and Illinois BrokerNET sees commercial real estate and a free flow of information as key to that success and growth. See us at http://illinoisbrokernet.com
Illinois BrokerNET provides an easy to use web site for Brokers, Agents, and property owners to list their property at no charge for listings. Brokers, Agents, and property owners, are able to fill out and post a full profile of themselves, with website links, and make that available to the public on Illinois BrokerNET . Emails can be sent from those profiles or from the property without having to go through a “proprietary email” system that tracks usage.
Property Listings on Illinois BrokerNET are designed for ease of use, and so that details can be provided in a free form format. We tried to boil this down to the essentials to keep the input easy. Yet we also provide enough room for plenty of user defined text. (Note that we suggest inputing specific information, and lots of it, so that search engines will find your information.)
Notice that on every page, an option exists to “Submit Property” and to “Find Properties”. Again, trying to make it easy to use or registered users and casual browsers of Illinois BrokerNET .
All postings are immediately available on Illinois BrokerNET for viewing on the “Properties” page, no waiting for 30 days, or only visible to “paying subscribers”.
It is set up for immediate viewing, but will be reviewed by a moderator and removed if not appropriate (or outside of Illinois, this is an “exclusive club” you see). Anyone can search properties, but you must register to list a property (don’t worry, we protect your information, and your email, and we promise not to “spam” you).
Note that some properties are “Featured”, which means that yes, they pay a premium price and are “featured” on the home page. But all properties are viewable, and search-able. (At this time there is no charge for “featured” properties, and they will be placed by the web master.)
Our focus is on Illinois Properties. That way we can do things like provide links to Economic Development Agencies around the State, Links to Cities, provide news for Illinois Commercial Real Estate deals, and more. Let other people focus on nationwide listing services, we’ll stay right here.
Our Promise
You will own your listing and have the ability to update and remove them when you want on Illinois BrokerNET .
1) Your listings will not be Syndicated on Illinois BrokerNET , they stay on BrokerNET. We don’t participate in any syndication, period.
2) Illinois BrokerNET will encourage visitors to go to your website. We will not keep detailed information that your site will have, such as brochures, spec sheets, etc.
3) Your leads will go directly to you and nobody else.
4) You will receive emails directly from your prospects without Illinois BrokerNET ‘s involvement. Your leads belong to you alone.
5) We will only focus on Illinois commercial properties at Illinois BrokerNET .
6) We will work to keep the site current with new enhancements.
7) We will keep the news current on Illinois BrokerNET We will work to keep BrokerNET a free site, though we cannot guarantee it.
8) We will work to help Illinois grow, prosper and thrive.
Video Introduction at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBENVCZ9iCc