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Renowned trial attorney Patrick E. Geraghty has more than 40 years of civil trial experience in personal injury, wrongful death, commercial and business litigation, and Federal civil rights issues. Leading defense and prosecution litigations have afforded Patrick a high level of legal and trial experience and seasoned negotiations techniques to help opposing parties find middle ground and resolution from polar positions.
Most civil trial litigants today are first directed to attempt to resolve their differences and reach agreement through alternative dispute resolution before going to trial. Pre-trial mediation can save the parties a great deal of angst, time and cost by reaching an early resolution to main issues. Prolonged disagreement only extends human, emotional and monetary costs.
Geraghty Mediation Services is located in Fort Myers but provides mediation services throughout the state of Florida. Patrick mediates a wide variety of cases, including pre-suit disputes, active litigation matters (both court-ordered and voluntary), post judgment issues, and disputes with pending appeals. In addition to two-party mediations, he frequently handles multi-party mediations involving more than two parties.
Florida requires litigants to first make a good faith effort to resolve their differences through mediation before the case proceeds to trial. The parties come together outside the courtroom to discuss their differences under the direction of an impartial third party. It is more cost-effective in resolving differences and reserves costly litigation for those cases where the parties cannot resolve issues on their own.
Mediation can also be a useful tool for positive, constructive purposes in business and in real estate matters. It is also used for managing partnership breakups and settling internal employee disputes. It can also foster more constructive company dialogue between employees, managers, and owners.
It’s commonly used where an individual or group feel their civil rights may have been violated, such as in discrimination, restrictive employee covenants and in medical and legal malpractice cases. It is often the most appropriate tool to help resolve probate, estate and trust conflicts between parties.
If you have a dispute that would be better facilitated by an impartial, professional mediator, call upon the experience of Geraghty Mediation Services to help you work through issues and conflicts.