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Tired of inbox overload?
PitchSlap steps in as your inbox bodyguard, filtering out those relentless sales emails so you don’t have to. But we're not here to kill the sales game—just make it work for you. Instead of dealing with cold emails all day, salespeople get one chance to pitch their best offer. The twist? They don’t clog your inbox. Their pitches get sorted into folders, and when you’re ready, you review them in a clean, organized dashboard. No more back-and-forth. No more distractions.
PitchSlap helps you take back your inbox while still keeping the doors open for new opportunities—on your time, at your pace. Sellers only get one shot, and it’s all on your terms. So whether you're ready to review pitches today or next week, PitchSlap has your back, keeping you focused on what actually matters.