
Get Ready Forum is an information resource available on the internet to anyone. We provide a service to the public to help people prepare for worst case scenarios. Prepping, or surviving has gotten a bad name over the years, being associated with conspiracy theories and extreme militia groups. However, the conceepts of "Prepping" or being a "survivalist" are our natural instincts. Those instincts are being reshaped by modern society. Instead of canning and storing our own food, we go to the store and buy mass produced cans, and we store them. Instead of learning how to start a fire from the materials which nature provides, we buy lighters. In the past we did not have words like prepper or survivalist because it is what everyone did. It was normal to prepare yourself and your family for the worst case scenario. At getreadyforum.com we are hoping to bring a little of the logical past back to the future.