
About Gift Card Girlfriend
Gift Card Girlfriend (www.GiftCardGirlfriend.com) shows consumers how to turn any gift card into a thoughtful, personal gift. With gift card suggestions, presentation ideas, and practical advice, Shelley Hunter, founder of Gift Card Girlfriend, strives to eliminate the negative stigma attached to gift card giving. Using her signature approach, consumers will gift card with confidence, knowing the recipient will notice their effort and focus less on the dollar amount spent.

About Shelley Hunter
Shelley Hunter, your guide to guilt-free gift carding, is a wife and mother of three children. Although her primary job is being a stay-at-home mom, she has licensed several products to a handful of companies and thoroughly enjoys the creative process of using her imagination to solve problems. She initially set out to resolve the impersonal nature of gift cards doing what everybody did—design gift card holders. But later realized the only way to make a gift card feel more personal is to put a little feeling into it. The process is simple but the impact is great. Shelley is a graduate of Brigham Young University and a former IT professional. She loves to give (and receive!) gift cards.