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Grandpa Steve’s Kids (https://grandpasteveskids.com) focuses on providing original music and disseminating information to help parents, grandparents, caregivers, and teachers ENRICH self-esteem in children.
• Grandpa Steve’s Kids starts with a collection of music with specific positive messages directed to children, parents, grandparents, caregivers, and teachers. The focus is on mothers and fathers of young children, and is designed to get parents thinking about their child’s self-esteem.
• The music provides important messages that will attract children and adults to the ideas of feeling good about themselves, being happy, taking care of others, and taking care of themselves.
• Opportunities in life frequently knock at our door. This is a key point, in that, we need to have the necessary level of self-esteem to believe in our capabilities and ourselves in order to answer the knock of opportunity and open the door. Many times, we are fortunate to have someone that believes in us and sees our potential. That’s where our greatest mentors come to life in our parents, our grandparents, and others.
• Grandpa Steve gives parents ideas of how to facilitate and help their child to develop a positive self-esteem. Grandpa Steve does this through his own original music, and a life-long experience of working with individuals to help them build their self-esteem. Grandpa Steve also shares proven research on the brain and how it wires up for learning and growth.
o This Consists of:
The songs in the collection, “Grandpa Steve’s Kids.
Songs that can be personalized for any child.
Presentations directed to parents, grandparents, teachers, caregivers, and, most importantly, children.
Reference material that can be utilized to guide adults and children in building a positive self-esteem.
• It is Grandpa Steve’s hope that adults and especially children will enjoy the music and are inspired by it. We seed ideas into our child’s thinking through day-to-day living. Music is a powerful application!
• Parents and grandparents are their child’s first teachers. They play a critical role in the early development of their child’s brain development. Within the first three years of life, about 90% of a child’s brain is wired up for functionality.
• Grandpa Steve’s Kids is also a source of information from a grandparents’ vantage point.
• Grandpa Steve will tie the infant brain development aspect of the program to the power that parents have in helping to create certain traits of resilience in their child.
• From Grandpa Steve’s perspective, a well-developed and enriched environment along with loving and caring parents will result in a child that is more resilient and happy.