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Joining the ranks of intentional communities across the globe, Green Island Republic, an international sustainable living community, boasts more than the usual eco-fare. As a Swiss-based endeavor, created and developed by Joerg Aebischer, the notions of symmetry, cohesiveness, attention to detail, and form/function paired with beauty makes those new Island Resort Communities projects the gem of the Atlantic and Mediterranean Ocean.
“We’re so excited to see this project come to life,” says Aebischer, “and we can’t wait to begin showing everyone around.” Aebischer’s dream began with the desire to recreate the attention to detail and synergy with the environment that exists in Switzerland and to bring that living style to the life supporting climates of the Caribbean and the Mediterranean.
With state of the art technology, the latest in sustainable practices, and self-sustaining models in practice, the residents of this community have an all-inclusive living style that costs much less than it would for people living in their own home countries.
“Quite frankly, we were told that building this type of living experience couldn’t be done,” shares Aebischer. “But I knew it could be done, if we just had the right pieces in place.” Those pieces to the puzzle included reducing the impact of human habitation on the surrounding environment by limiting the amount of owners. And, the word ‘own’ isn’t just a popular buzz word. The Green Island Republic Group offers each homeowner not only a state of the art villa of their choice, but ownership of the land it sits on, as well as a portion of the common areas and infrastructure of the island. The entire island is sole owned by the villa owners, to ensure cleanness, safety and security combined with the highest level of services and facilities, where a healthy and active life style is active promote and supported.
All residents receive expedited living permits, making long term international residence possible. Partnered with state of the art medical facilities, a sports arena, internal theater and cultural offerings, as well as technology centers that rival anything in the West, Green Island Republic stands a very good chance of living up to its ‘green’ name.
To learn more about these eco-islands, or to schedule a visit, please contact:
Green Island Republic