
Cloud Marketing Labs was founded by Greg Digneo to serve as an outsourced marketing department for small and midsized technology businesses. We help research, plan, and execute marketing strategies on a retainer basis to businesses looking for more revenue.

Our Values

* We eat our own food. How we market our services to you, is how we will help you market your products/services to your customers.

* No long-term contracts. We hate being “locked in” to long term contracts and we suspect you do too. You can cancel at any time. No questions asked.

* Marketing that doesn’t generate sales is failed marketing. Marketing has but one purpose: To help a business generate sales.

* No hourly rates. You will never be billed “overtime.”

* Fast response time. If you are a customer, or even if you aren’t, you can easily contact us via email, or twitter and someone will get back to you ASAP.

* It’s not about technology. Technology is changing, and improving rapidly, but marketing hasn’t changed in hundreds of years. The business who best communicates their business to their customers, wins.