About |
We research, analyze, provide consulting and recommendations to senior executives, business owners, industry & investment professionals on the group buying space in Canada.
Daily Deals/Group Buying has expanding so rapidly that it requires strategic attention. They have paved the way and opened the doors of opportunity for an entire industry to focus on local deals. What started with a handful of sites in 2009 has quickly grown to thousands of Group Buying sites worldwide in a very short time. Thus, creating opportunities for entrepreneurs, established companies and marketing benefits for local retailers.
The proliferation of Daily Deal and Group Buying services has also occurred in Canada. Our services are dedicated on providing insight uniquely for the Canadian marketplace.
We are business strategy advisers, consultants, entrepreneurs, analysts, senior executives, sales executives and above all, marketers. We help other senior executives, marketers, entrepreneurs, retailers, the investment community and industry professionals understand and leverage the Group Buying space.
There are very exciting business opportunities surrounding this space. Our objective is to communicate and work with those companies and professionals who wish to leverage them.