
With over 30 years of experience as contractors ourselves, and 15 years of experience in Internet marketing, we understand the needs of our contractor clients and of their customers. I started as an electrical contractor in Los Angeles in 1979. In those days, the Yellow Pages were the major source of new customers for contractors. As many contractors experienced, the prices of Yellow Page ads inflated over the years. Eventually, I was paying tens of thousands of dollars a year, yet getting fewer and fewer customer calls.

In 1995, when customers started looking for contractors on the Internet, I built my company a website. Each year, the Internet brought us more customers. By 2005, we had discontinued our Yellow Page ads. By 2010, we earned over $600,000 from new Internet customers.

Along the way, we started Happy Contractor to provide contractors across the country with websites and Internet marketing. Our clients include, among other types of contractors – plumbers, HVAC contractors, general contractors… and outside of L.A., electricians. Our contracting company in Los Angeles keeps us attuned to how the rapid changes in Internet marketing can be used to the advantage of contractors.