
1.Create an environment for mutually beneficial propagation of the diverse knowledge and skill set of the professional collective.
2.To aid in the development and assistance of professionals desiring to enhance their capabilities and marketability in any desired concentration.
3.Use the collective purchasing power model to avail any acquirable resources or assets that is mutually agreed to be beneficial and inline with the needs of the participants to aid then in achieving desired results.


Current training often costs too much and stands as a barrier to growth for those (professionals or companies) that are hard pressed economically. HTU will create  structures for focusing efforts of those professionals or companies that choose to generate community energy to host loacl events. Using community energy will result in a deeper commitment by the attendees and result in a higher quality. We like this because each participant has an investment of time and good will that generates a humble atmosphere and holds cost down. A humble atmosphere is more conducive for learning. Real skills are then easier to acquire.


•High Quality Instruction
•Low Cost
•Current Industry Training
•Open Knowledge
•Community Driven


Hard Times University is Professionals helping Professionals.  In these hard economic times, there is a huge need for business based applied practical training so that people can get back to work or improve their position as quickly as possible.

The difference between the existing training and certification channels and Hard Times University is the focus on the community generated value.  By pulling together as a community we can dramatically reduce the cost of traditional training mechanisms as well as expand rapidly into hot new areas of growth. The training is not free.  Meeting rooms cost real money and the world class trainers who deliver the training need a reasonable fee for the training. Thus, HTU was born to create a place for lower cost, high quality, current thinking, open source information and community driven.

This organization is community driven and focused.  The local chapters have a Conductor that is the leader for the chapter.  Each event has a Porter that organizes and coordinates the event. The university offers a ton of volunteer opportunities to help you stay sharp, current and engaged.

Just because you are not currently receiving a paycheck does not mean you have to allow your skills to atrophy. Most efforts in the HTU community will be run in an agile/scrum like manner. This approach to managing effort supports a modern path both learning and development. Self organization is encouraged and supported. We want you to be current, sharp and highly employable.

Lean on us in these hard times and set your career on a whole new career path.