About |
Healing Power of Hemp was born from a desire to find relief from daily chronic pain, inflammation, sleep deprivation, stress and anxiety. In 2015, a devastating accident left founder and owner, Brenda McChesney Mino, with a permanent impairment and constant, long-lasting pain. In the desperation that accompanies years of therapeutic interventions, multiple neck procedures, and dozens of medications, she discovered the transformative power of hemp CBD.
From failing to thrive to flourishing, Brenda found refuge in high milligram CBD topicals and digestibles. In this place of rebirth, she decided to launch Healing Power of Hemp to offer an affordable, healthy plant-based alternative and/or accompaniment to managing pain, inflammation, sleeplessness, stress, and imbalance. Quickly after launch she found a business partner in Co-Founder and close friend, Amanda Learned, who has also found amazing mental health benefits and stress relief in daily life with CBD.
Healing Power of Hemp, and our leadership team, is anchored with over 25 years of experience in supporting and strengthening the overall health and wellbeing of individuals, children, and families. Our company is founded on compassion and an unbridled commitment for nurturing and nourishing the mind, body, and soul.
We understand the struggle and imbalance caused by chronic pain, inflammation, stress, and anxiety, and have personally experienced the pathway from merely surviving into thriving that CBD was able to offer us. Our all-natural and organic hemp CBD products bring a new horizon to the realm of healing by targeting health from the inside-out. And by maintaining a close relationship with our processor and manufacturer, we know we are creating reliable products that are third party tested and infused with intentions and ingredients that we want to use ourselves.
For centuries and across cultures hemp has been recognized as a source of holistic health and wellness. Our company infuses this wisdom of ancient knowledge with the dynamic needs of modern day living to support your journey toward inner-peace and balance. We invite you to ignite your Zen with our plant-based power for mind, body, & soul.