About |
Heatingoil.co.uk is an online only heating oil company that supplies a range of heating oil products to the North of England, North Wales and the Midlands.
In particular it distributes heating oil to:
• Bedfordshire
• Cambridgeshire
• Cumbria
• Derbyshire
• Flintshire
• Greater Manchester
• Hertfordshire
• Humberside
• Lancashire
• Lincolnshire
• Northumberland
• Nottinghmashire
• Teeside
• Yorkshire
The company specialises in the sale of domestic heating oils which include Kerosene, Gas Oil, and Clean Burn Kerosene.
Heatingoil.co.uk has been trading since 2007 and is now one of the largest online suppliers of domestic heating oil in the UK.
Some of the reasons for heatingoil’s success are its flexible delivery options which it offers all its customers. The site has an online calendar so when a customer orders their heating oil they can choose delivery on an exact day which can be up to one month after the purchase. Customers can also choose to widen the delivery window if they prefer and both of these options can lead to big savings.
Heatingoil.co.uk also offers customers the option of ordering on a ‘Group Buying Day’. This is where one or more customers from the same area or postcode buy together, lowering haulage costs and prices that customers pay. Heatingoil.co.uk allows customers to request these days for themselves when they and a friend are able to buy togther. Typically these days can save the customer between 0.5 and 2 pence per litre!
Heatingoil.co.uk recently started selling Clean Burn Kerosene (CBK), a high performance kerosene which is designed to help maintain a cleaner heating system and increase the efficiency of your boiler. Heatingoil.co.uk is the only solely internet based company to sell CBK.
For further information on heatingoil.co.uk please visit the website.