
Mahaleyah Goodman; author of "Israel's Secret Cult," will be hosting the 1st Annual International Hebrew Israelite Conference/Tour in Arad, Israel.  Hebrew Israelites from around the world will gather to discuss the prophetic and historical event known as the 4 Blood Moons. Throughout history, each advent of the 4 Blood Moons has strangely affected Jews and Hebrew Israelites in undeniable and often catastrophic ways. Under this forecast of imminent "change;" Hebrew Israelite scholars and attendees will reexamine their ancient connection to Israel and its ancient Hebraic traditions. The conference will showcase an international guest list of African Ambassadors, top flight speakers and various cultural workshops during the first two days of the conference.
The three day tour will mainly cover Southern Israel. First Jerusalem, the Galilee, the Dead sea, Masada, and the surrounding areas. One of the main focuses of the tour will be a historical interpretation of the Tel Arad State Park; which many Hebrew Israelites consider to be the "true" Jerusalem, or the actual Mount Zion. The Conference/Tour package is only $795. and includes 7 nights of hotel accommodation at the Inbar hotel. Guests will enjoy breakfast and dinner daily, with a healthy dose of education, leisure, socializing, cultural cuisine, and travel.