About |
The Hendrix Music Academy is a place that gives young people the opportunity to learn how to express themselves musically, in an educational and safe environment. It is our belief that if we give the youth of our community a “voice,” we can reduce their participation in illegal activities and violence. Youth will learn how to create and record their own musical expressions. Youth participants will work as a team and learn important social skills while learning about music production in a professional recording studio.
Target Population youth are At-risk youth that are:
· High-school/G.E.D age (13-21)
· Pursuing a high-school diploma or GED
· Wanting to participate in a long term music program
*Scholarships are available for the targeted population who fit one or more of the following criteria:
· Youth in Foster Care, or previously in foster care
· Youth in transitional housing or shelters, or had been homeless in the past year
· Youth with an incarcerated parent or family member
· Youth with a drug-addicted parent or family member
· Youth with a deceased parent
· Youth who live in the Skyway area
· Youth who have had law enforcement contact within the past year
· Youth participating in a 12-step program
· Youth who have been a victim of a violent crime
· Youth who have a parent serving in the US military
· Youth living in public or low-income housing
At Hendrix Music Academy, we are dedicated to helping youth who are in need. This scholarship criteria list will grow as we discover more youth populations that can benefit from this program.
*Scholarships are provided in part by the Hendrix Music Academy, our volunteers, and Jimi Hendrix fans who want to support a youth program in his name.
Thank you so much for helping improve the lives of young people in our community!!!!