
Hitachi Solutions America is a recognized leader in providing Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics CRM based global industry solutions that improve business practices and provide measurable business results. Additionally, Hitachi Solutions America delivers innovative solutions around Business Analytics and Portals and Collaboration. Recognized as the Microsoft 2014 CRM Global Partner of the Year and the 2014 Dynamics Global Outstanding Reseller of the Year, Hitachi Solutions America’s proven track record includes thousands of solutions that America provides industry focus, enterprise software industry domain expertise, and proven tier-one people, processes, and tools. With global capabilities and regional offices in United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, India, Japan, China, and South East Asia, Hitachi Solutions partners with industry leading clients to understand their unique formula for success. For more information, call 949.242.1300 or visit: http://us.dynamics.hitachi-solutions.com.