
Hotelier Coin is a B2B, B2C and Peer-to-Peer blockchain-powered hotel room booking, sales and trading platform. Created by a team of experts with decades of experience in hotel management, blockchain, cryptocurrencies and finance. Hotelier Coin is on a mission to connect all stakeholders in the sector, including travelers, crypto-investors, hospitality owners and operators, wholesalers, corporate buyers, suppliers and service providers.

By combining strategic partnerships, customized hospitality blockchain technology, smart contracts and a single currency - HOTEL-Stable Euro the ultimate borderless hospitality currency –, Hotelier Coin is rethinking and reshaping the entire industry.

The double-digit fees are dramatically reduced to 2-4%. Hospitality owners are rewarded with a platform that allows them to purchase and trade bulk room inventory. For the first time, room nights will be traded as a commodity in a secondary hotel room marketplace, complete with a bid and ask process and smart contracts that will make negotiations incredibly easy. Hotels can outsource specialized services on demand. Travelers and hotel owners have access to an unparalleled loyalty program where both receive instant cash back in HOTEL-Stable Euro tokens.

Hotelier Coin is where hotel owners, service providers and travelers come together in a single platform with no room for middlemen, countless fees and lack of efficiency.