
Our International Intenships was established since 2002 by Brazilians and Germans, the IDM Institut was born from the ideal of promoting the interaction between people of diverse cultures, contributing for the social development, the respect to the differences and the end of any type of preconception, thus favouring a connection between citizens of different parts of the world. Believing this ideal, professionals of diverse areas had joined in favour of this cause, making possible the realization of this dream.
It is with enormous pleasure and pride that we present, the IDM INSTITUT An Institute that has as its main goal to contribute for the intercultural development of people of all ages. Providing a complementation of teach-learning for college student, immersion in the language and the Brazilian culture, personal growth and of customs, in a true union of cultures, seeking through the result of this work, ways to contribute for the end of the cultural borders between Brazil and other countries, and to become a centre of multicultural reference for  foreigners in Brazil.

for any Information please contact us by: Website: www.idminstitut.org
E-mail: internship@idminstitut.de
MSN: internship@idminstitut.de
SKYPE: internship.idminstitut