
Too often pilots finish their training and then become distracted and disengaged from the flying community. The result is a dangerous lack of proficiency and or the loss of support to the flying community as a whole. IMC Club is mitigating this issue by providing a means to reengage pilots with other pilots and instructors. IMC club is coaching, training, mentoring and helping pilots to fly in actual instrument meteorological conditions.

Regular bi-weekly meetings where pilots and instructors have the opportunity to engage and discuss topics related to instrument flying are combined with actual mission flights where members fly missions designed on a graduated scale of complexity. For instance, initial missions include real world flying scenarios with relatively simple parameters. More complex missions would include scenarios with multiple re-routings from ATC and more complex weather decisions.


Post Mission briefings are prepared by participating pilots and presented at the by-weekly meetings. This provides the pilots of those missions and members of the IMC Club to learn from each other’s experience.


Completion of these missions would determine your rank in the club