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What do we do? Quite simply, we provide FREE styrofoam water cups to golf clubs all across the USA!
Everyday, golfers grab a free cup of ice water (and sometimes two or three) before they head out on the links. A typical golf club does 150 rounds per day in their season, meaning they give away at least 5000 cups per month. That's 60,000 cups per year!
Now your business can be up-front-and-center by placing your advertisement on those cups, and IN HAND!
Most golfers regularly play at a golf club within 20 miles of their residence. This means that if you are looking to market to a specific area, you can choose a club in that area.
Golfers are an excellent customer... they have recreational money! And by choosing the golf club by price-per-round, you can generalize the income/wealth of the demographic.
You have exclusive rights to the golf club, meaning no other advertisers will be allowed. Compare this to any other form of advertising where your ad is lost in a "sea" of other adverisers! And what other form of advertising guarantees that your ad will be in the palm of their hand?